It is considered one of the most used phosphate fertilizers in the soil preparation stage before the beginning of planting and at the beginning of the growing season for different types of trees scattered on the soil surface
Then mixed with the soil surface layer during plowing, as it is characterized as a fertilizer with an extended-acting effect, containing phosphorous element necessary for the plant as it contains gypsum.
Which is the source of plant supply with the element of calcium in addition to its beneficial effect in increasing the percentage of mutual calcium and thus improving the natural properties of the soil.
The importance of using the compound
- Main plant food has a long-acting effect.
There is phosphorus in the form of easy absorption by the roots, which leads to increased germination and flowering.
- Phosphorus improves the quality of fruits, vegetables, grains and the fullness of pods in legumes.
Phosphorus is an important component of all enzymatic reactions necessary for the formation and migration of carbohydrate compounds, which increases product quality.
Phosphorus is an important era in the process of photosynthesis, respiration, energy transfer and storage within plants.
Phosphorus is one of the important compounds in the cell nucleus, because its presence is essential to complete the cell division process.
Helps speed ripening and seed formation.
Calcium is an important element in plant resistance to salinity.
Sulfur is an important element in stimulating bacterial nodes, which increases protein formation rates.
Store for a long time without being petrified.
It serves the land for more than one crop throughout the agricultural year.
It is mixed with organic fertilizers and compost and does not mix with most pesticides
Compost components
Focus elements (%)
Phosphorous (p) 15% , 12.5 %
Calcium (CaO) 4.5%
Sulfur (S) 2.5%