
Type : Soluble fertilizers

Brand : Humek El Dawlia (Vero El Dawlia)

Fertilizer Form : Bowdar

Packing : 25

Complete Fertilizer Solubility in Water The elements of iron and sulfur provide the amounts needed by the plant in the production stages from the beginning of the vegetable growth period until the collection. It is suitable for Egyptian soil, which suffers from lack of availability 
· Maintains soil pH at optimum limits to facilitate the facilitation of plant nutrients.

It improves the soil, which increases its fertility..
• Rejuvenates plants and promotes their growth properly and with a total dark green color and without yellowing.
• Increases buds and flowers, leading to increased production and improved crop quality.
• It is characterized by a high degree of purity and effectiveness, which lasts longer in the soil
• It is easily and quickly absorbed and remains absorbable and available to plants
• It has high and effective results in treating iron deficiency symptoms as well as in improving the quality and quality of the crop
• It is used on all types of field crops, vegetables, fruits and decorations
Mix with most fertilizers and mix with most pesticides
Types of crops in which the spraying compound is used:
It is used in the period of vegetable growth until the end of the decade for all crops and repeated spraying every 15 days as needed
          Vegetables: (tomatoes - potatoes - pepper - eggplant - cucumber - cantaloupe - watermelon) at a rate of 900 g / 600 liters of water Water spray on the leaves
          Fruit: (grapes - mango - apples - pears - peach - olives - citrus) at a rate of 900 g / 600 liters of water spray on the leaves
          Crops: sugar beet, cotton, peanuts, pulses, maize, rice, 750 g / 600 liters of water.
          Medicinal and aromatic plants and ornamental plants at a rate of 600 g / 600 liters of water spray on the leaves
Dosage / fed: 5, kg / fed. Method of addition: Used by modern irrigation devices at a rate of 5 kg / fed every 15 days from the end of the period of vegetable growth until the end of the decade
Concentration rate of fertilizer in the added solution: ml / liter _ g / l: 1 - 1.5 g / l
 Mitigation: 1 - 1.5 g / l
Specifications of packagings, weight and size: List / Net: 1 - 5 - 10 - 20 - 25 kg